TechEco BigCommerce主题
TechEco - BigCommerce主题是现代的, 清洁和专业的BigCommerce主题是充分响应, 它在所有类型的屏幕和设备上看起来都令人惊叹. techco - BigCommerce主题...
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Support: 4.1/5
Theme OverviewPazano is a multipurpose and highly responsive BigCommerce theme. Build your website in few clicks no need to coding and Drag and drop is one of the best powerful functionality of...
Sales: 1
Support: 4.1/5


所以,你已经决定了你想要销售什么样的产品和服务. 你已经制定了一份商业计划, 开始寻找合作伙伴, 并考虑可能的方式来促进你的业务. An online store is a proven way to gain wider recognition from your customer base. You can achieve greater exposure to your own brand, as well as start selling for profit. 开设电子商务商店将变得既省时又划算. 使用BigCommerce主题作为您未来在线项目的基础.

BigCommerce可以很好地处理各种规模的在线项目. This may be a small store that you would like to introduce to the wider community. You can launch a large eCommerce project with an impressive inventory of items. Using BigCommerce, you get the vast choice of tools to build fast-growing businesses. This is the proven online selling platform that can help your brand reach new heights. 丰田、柯达、吉普森等世界知名品牌. 选择BigCommerce.

All BigCommece templates from this collection are high-quality responsive designs. These come loaded with extensive sets of tools and features for the effective development of your online project. The dynamic and functional layouts feature a bunch of customization options. 这些将帮助你建立以转化为导向的网络商店.

所有高级BigCommerce主题都包含实时演示版本. You can check them out in action and decide if the chosen ready-made design meets your expectations.

最好的BigCommerce模板将适合一系列的小众市场. 其中包括时尚、美容、假日、礼品、鲜花、电子产品等. 收藏品一直在增长. New premium BigCommerce themes are added by our top vendors on the regular basis. 查看整个主题库. 选择一个将把你的电子商务网站到专业水平!


Building an eCommerce site using BigCommerce themes facilitates and speeds up the process of the launch of your business venture. To get started, you should have a clear understanding of what niche your web store will belong to. 此外,你需要提前进行行业研究. 这将帮助你了解竞争对手的主要特点和方法. Also, you can determine the features that will make your own web page stand out from the competition.

一旦你有了网上商店的概念, 选择一个BigCommerce主题作为它的基础. You can select any niche-specific template from the Templateog体育首页 gallery. 找不到针对特定细分市场开发的主题? Feel free to download a ready-made eCommerce that features a relevant design. 根据您的具体要求定制它.

All premium BigCommerce themes from Templateog体育首页 include free 24/7 support. 您将收到详细的文档和逐步说明. 这允许您自己启动电子商务项目.


The premium BigCommerce templates are the fully-fledged solutions specifically intended for online sales. These contain the advanced sets of tools and modification options that are needed to build a reputable web presence. The functionality may differ in different designs submitted by different vendors. 你可以在下面列出最常见的几种.

  • 为移动设备设计的. The responsive designs of the themes are intended to run flawlessly on all screen sizes, 桌面和手持设备.
  • 跨浏览器的兼容性. It delivers all pieces of data in the perfect style across all popular web browsing apps. This frees you from the necessity to test your web pages in a range of browsers on your own.
  • Retina-readiness. It guarantees that any piece of your site’s content will look razor-sharp on the screens of the last-generation devices.
  • SEO-readiness. 在搜索引擎中提供更好的数据推广.
  • Integration and compatibility with the page-width sliders to showcase recent products and offers.
  • 易于使用的主题风格编辑器.
  • Advanced search provides online shoppers with the ease to find the needed products. 在相应的字段中键入搜索词或短语.
  • 社交媒体小工具. 社交媒体是保持受众参与的最佳方式之一. Adding social media widgets to your eCommerce site keeps the audience better engaged and entertained at the same time.
  • 宣传横幅. These draw more attention of your audience to the specific categories of products or certain items.
  • 为移动用户提供谷歌AMP支持的产品和类别页面.
  • Mega menu. This is the fully editable element that can boost your site’s navigation patterns.
  • 主页上的全宽旋转木马用于新产品的推广 & offers.
  • 主页上的卡片式布局,以展示最新的销售 & offers.
  • 特色产品专区 & 受欢迎的产品.
  • Blog section. 这是任何网站不可缺少的组成部分. 它有助于企业与受众建立更好的联系. 定期更新博客部分. 这是一个行之有效的方法来提高你的网站的知名度和搜索排名.


All Templateog体育首页 BigCommerce themes are guaranteed to be of the highest quality only. 所有这些都由评审小组仔细检查. 这些都符合最新的网页设计要求.

该市场出售业内最好的BigCommerce主题. 所有的设计都是由专业的网页设计师精心制作的. The web developers deliver ready-made eCommerce solutions of the highest quality only. 所有主题都有免费的24/7技术支持. 其中包括详细的文档文件夹.



它们是电子商务的一个很好的选择. You can easily modify them to make a unique, modern online shop with numerous products. 他们很容易管理和保持最新. 响应式设计为移动设备用户提供了最佳体验. 在各种屏幕尺寸的设备上,一切都能正常工作.


Use the left panel to set topics, tags, color scheme, features, style, price, etc. 它会过滤掉不符合您标准的产品. When you have a few options left – open the details page to learn more about them. Do not forget to use the live demo feature to see how everything looks and works.

什么是Stencil BigCommerce高级模板?

Stencil是BigCommerce使用的主题引擎. 在Stencil上构建的模板与页面构建器兼容. 这些产品在templatemmonster市场上有一个单独的类别. 请考虑查看的名单 我们可用的模板. 对于不熟悉编码的人来说,它们是一个完美的选择.


第一种选择是使用页面构建器. It is necessary to go to the storefront menu, then choose my themes and customization. 它打开页面构建器并允许您修改各种元素.

第二种选择是修改代码. 去看看店面的菜单, then choose my themes and click on the advanced button and select make a copy. 命名它并等待-复制文件可能需要一些时间. When the process is finished – click on the action icon and edit theme files. 您还可以从页面构建器访问文件编辑. 您需要选择主题样式并选择编辑主题文件.

还有遗留蓝图主题. To edit them, 你得去看看店面的菜单, 然后选择我的主题,并按编辑HTML/CSS按钮.